Auction Gallery

Artworks sold at various deaf-related auctions

Large wooden sign of blue colored world map on different handshapes of mostly brown color with dark brown frame around it
Sold at American Sign Language Teacher Association Conference for
$2,000 at San Diego in 2019
Large sign of woodcut picture of George W. Veditz with his quote, "Sign language is 'the noblest gift God has given to Deaf people" with a wood cut of Veditz's personal signature and woodcut picture of his name sign
Sold for $3100 at National Association for the Deaf Conference in New
Hartford, Conn in 2018


Large wooden sign of skelton of torso area and heart with wings behind rib cage and word HOPE at top made of many tiny pink butterflies


Hope from the side view

  Sold for $500 at Deaf Women Abused Network at BOOTS auction in DC

Large woodcut picture of Rev. Andrew Jackson Foster and his quote, "I felt called to take the lights of education and the Gospel to the deaf in Africa" with wood cut signature and wood cut picture of his name sign
Side view of large woodcut picture of Rev Andrew Foster
Sold for $1000 at National Black Deaf Advocates at Oakland in 2019
Wood cut picture of Agatha Tigel Hanson with wood cut of her personal signature
Agatha Tiegel Hanson artwork was sold at Deaf Seniors of American
Conference at Seattle in 2019 for $275.
Wooden sign of Bison
Sold for $150 at Gallaudet Basketball Tournament in 2019

Wooden sign of Bison with sign "Bison"
Sold for $375 at Gallaudet Alumni Bash Party at Gallaudet in 2018
Colorful wooden sign with ILY in middle
Sold for $475 at DC Discovering Deaf Worlds Gala in 2018
Colorful wood sign of many different pieces to show handshapes, "HOPE"
Sold for $400 at Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services at Seattle in